Moving In With Your Girlfriend: The Things They Don’t Tell You

Matt Chappell

Undeniably, moving in with your girlfriend is a big decision. And, for no reason, should you let the small things get in the way of making that decision. There are bigger, far more important things to consider first; like how you’ll split the rent or whether you can handle being in each others pockets 24/7.

However, once you’ve addressed the key factors, what else can you expect from moving in with your other half?  A new-found, large collection of spare hair pins? Undoubtedly. A little less toilet roll in the cupboard? Probably. But it’s not all that bad. In fact, it’s all quite good, really.

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Here are the top ten things they never told you about moving in with your girlfriend – all in the nice, little video below. We’ve also given you each point in image form – so just click next to take a look through the gallery. More of this at girlfriend activation system pdf.